Scarce original Downhill skiing certificate of the VI. Winterkampfspiele to Herbert Lezuo. Hand-signed by Reichsjugendführer Artur Axmann. The Winter Games took place on 23.02. to 02.03.1941 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen. Comes with the original linen covered, hard board folio/folder.
2. photos - Award Document & Medal Grouping - Grenadier-Regiment 220 - Demyansk Pocket
Grouping to Obergefreiten Karl Kleis serving with Grenadier-Regiment 220, part of 58. Infanterie-Division. Involved in the Demyansk Pocket and Battle of Memel. The regiment was engaged in fierce combat in Russia. Few of the unit's soldiers survived the evacuation of the City of Memel. Comes with his Ostmedaille award document hand-signed by a Hauptmann, document to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 23.01.1943. Hand-signed by Generalmajor Karl von Graffen, Knight's Cross winner, document to Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Issued on 01.02.1943. Hand-signed by Major Arthur Jüttner, Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords winner, Certificate to Wound Badge in Black. Issued on 20.01.1945. Hand-singed by Oberstleutnant Armin Lembke, Knight's Cross winner. Also comes with his EK2 and ribbon, Ostmedaille maker "10,"Black Wound Badge missing clasp pin but he also scratched his name on reverse, and Infantry Assault Badge.
$1100 - sold
3. photos - GEBIRGSJAEGER Photo, Rare Documents & Book grouping - 1 Gebirgs Division
Very nice grouping with two rare documents. One is a 1939 congratulatory letter from General Kübler to members of the division for their participation in the Poland Campaign and the other is one to the unit also from Kübler for their service in the French Campaign 1940. Also comes with a book the man brought back from his service in NORWAY - Norwegian in Bildern. Also comes with a few large period combat prints and a nice Gebirgsjaeger postcard. Photos are very good quality images. Field portraits of an officer, combat images, mountain climbing, Zwillingssockel MG 34, great MG positions in the field, medals in wear, and more.
4. photos - Luftwaffe Photo Album - JAGDGESCHWADER 27 - KIA FIGHTER Pilot - RARE DOCUMENTS!
Nice album of a 6./JG 27 pilot - Uffz. Hans RUSSTORFER - who was KIA in action on May 7, 1944 in combat defending Germany against Allied attacks. Comes with two very rare documents. One is a a very nice color document permitting him to wear the "Traditions-Abzeichen" unit badge in Gold - awarded June 4, 1943. The other is a unit awarded KIA certificate signed by unit commander Hauptmann Fritz Keller - 13 victories. 110 photos. Photos from Strasbourg-Polygone airfield.
5. photos - WAFFEN-SS Photo Album - SS Regiment "Der Führer" - Great Portraits!
Photo album of an SS-Rottenführer serving with SS-Regiment "Der Führer.“
Excellent collections of portraits! Apps 180 photos. many civilian photos as well. Among them are excellent portrait photos of him. Photos where he wears the cuff title "DER FÜHRER" and SS sportswear.
6. photos - Kriegsmarine SCHNELLBOOT Document Grouping - Father and Son Group
Very nice grouping of a KM man who served in the 4. Schnellbootsflotille. Comes with his Certificate to E-Boat War Badge. Issued on 30. May 1942. Signed by Korvettenkapitän Rudolf Petersen, Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves winner. Certificate to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 25.08.1942. Signed by Admiral Otto Schniewind, Knight's Cross winner. Also NSKK and Deutsche Arbeitsfront "DAF" membership booklets and more. Also comes with documents of his father - August Lang. Wehrmacht Wehrpass. Issued on 15.03.1944. Original photo. No awards, units, or campaigns are listed. Imperial German Militärpaß. He served with Leib-Dragoner-Regiment (2. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 24. Military certificate of conduct. Dated "1907".
7. photos - SOLDBUCH Grouping - AFRIKAKORPS - Nebelwerfer-Batterie Afrika
Heer Soldbuch to Obergefreiten Alfred Schmölz who served with Nebelwerfer-Batterie Afrika. Issued on 24.06.1941. No photo which is appropriate for DAK era Soldbuch. Very uncommon entry for the "1. Ärmelstreifen Afrikakorps" - Afrikakorps Cufftitle. Entry for arriving in Africa on June 5, 1942. Other Awards: Italian-German Medal for the African campaign on 25.08.1942 and "Kampfabzeichen Afrika" on 08.03.1943, - "AFRIKA" cuff title. Comes with all the pages. Some pages are loose. True Afrikakorps Soldbuch for a man who serving in Africa from Jun 1942 until the capitulation and his capture in May 1943. In addition his Wehrmachts driver's license, the POW certificate of discharge, and an Austrian postwar ID card.
8. photos - GEBIRGSJAEGER LAPPLANDSCHILD Award Document & Photo Grouping - GJR 139
Nice small grouping to Feldwebel Hermann Büschinger who served in GJR 139 "Generaloberst Dietl." Scarce original LAPPLANDSCHILD award document with original signature Regimental commander. Also comes with.a very nice studio portrait in studio folio from Oslo.
$375- sold
9. photos - Luftwaffe KAMPFGESCHWADER 27 Award Document Grouping
Grouping named to Obergef. Rainer - KG27 "Boelke" - Award certificate for the Iron Cross 2nd Class with orig. signature General Meister. Award certificate for the Air Gunner Badge. Award certificate for the Front Flight Clasp for Combat Pilots in Bronze original signature Major Rudi Kiel. Christmas card from the group commander for the wartime Christmas of 1944 - orig. sig. Captain Horst Quednau. Card with original signature from Mathilde Boelke - mother of Oswald Boelke - wartime Christmas of 1944 - the first we have offered one of these!
10. photos - FALLSCHIRMJAEGER "Green Devils" Award Document & Photo Grouping - Fallschirm Art. Rgt 1 - SICILY, ITALY
Document grouping to Obergefreiten Kurt Reinhardt who served with Fallschirmjäger-Artillerie-Regiment 1. Comes with his award document for Wound Badge in Black. Issued on 06.08.1943 when the unit was fighting in SICILY. Signed by a Hauptmann. award document to 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 29.08.1943. Signed by Generalleutnant Richard Heidrich, Knight's Cross with Oak Leaves and Swords winner - Great signature! Also comes with three photos, two of which are excellent studio portraits showing FJ badges in wear!
11. photos - SOLDBUCH - MAJOR - Panzer Regiment 3 - 116 Panzer Division - Schwere Panzer Abteilung 505 COMMANDER - TIGER!
Great Soldbuch named to Major Hans Christoph von CARLOWITZ who served in Panzer Regiment 3, temporary appointment as commander Schwere Panzer Abteilung 505 when famous 505 Abt. Cdr. SAUVANT was wounded on Aug 14, 1943 and later at the Kriegsakademie and finally by no later than Feb 2, 1945 in the Stab of the 116 Panzer Division. Soldbuch is complete with excellent photo. Awards entered include Austrian and Sudetenland Campaign medals, EK2 (Poland Campaign award), Black Wound Badge (Poland campaign), Iron Cross First Class (Russia) and Infantry Assault Badge (Russia). Also comes with his military discharge, letter and POW pass.
$1650- sold
12. photos - WAFFEN-SS Award Document Grouping - EICKE Signature
Original EK2 award document named to SS Sturmann Gerhard DIETRICH who served in 3./SS Totenkopf Pioneer Btl. Awarded June 22, 1940 with original signature Theodor Eicke, Oak Leaves winner! Also comes with a POW document.
$450- sold
13. photos - JAEGER Award Document Grouping - Jaeger Rgt 228 - KUBANSCHILD
Named document grouping to Gef. Wilhelp STEMMLER who served in Jaeger Rgt 228. Certificates to Kuban Shield, Wound Badge in Black, and 1939 War Merit Cross 2nd Class with Swords (signed by Generalleutnant Emil Vogel, Oak Leaves winner).
14. photos - SOLDBUCH & Award Document Grouping - PANZER PIONIER
Named grouping to Obergef. Wilhelm Walter who served in Panzer Pioneer Ball. 32
1) Winter War Medal, 29-7-42.
2) Wound Badge in Black, 9-12-42.
3 ) General Assault Badge, 19-12-42.
4) Statement by his unit that he is allowed to wear his belt loose because of a belly injury, 6-7-43.
5) Wound Badge in Silver, 23-11-44.
6) 8 photos.
7) POW discharge certificate. He was made POW on 17-4-45 and released 29-11-45.
8) Soldbuch, 11-3-41. With great original uniform pass photo. Pages 11-14 are missing but the important unit and award pages are present!!
He served 1941-44 with Pz. Pi. Btl.32 of the 12.Pz.Div., then operating in the east ( a.o. Minsk, Smolensk, Leningrad, Wolchow, Ladoga, Newel, Orel, Mosyr, Pleskau, Bobruisk, Courland).
25-9-42 he was injured ( shot in his belly ) and again 23-12-42. After his last injury on 4-11-44 he was repatriated and saw no active service anymore.
15. photos - WAFFEN-SS Personnel File - SS-Division "REICH" - KIA
Waffen-SS document grouping (personnel documents) to SS-Sturmmann Josef Winter serving with SS-Artillerie-Regiment, part of the SS-Division "REICH". Sturmmann Winter was killed in action on 24.07.1941 in the east.
16. photos - WAFFEN-SS Personnel File - RuSHA - Rasse und Siedlungshauptamt SS
SS personnel documents to SS-Rottenführer Fritz Brucker serving with Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt SS - SS Race and Settlement Main Office. He was killed in action on 26.08.1943. The SS Race and Settlement Main Office (Rasse- und Siedlungshauptamt der SS, RuSHA) was the organization responsible for "safeguarding the racial 'purity' of the SS" within Nazi Germany.
17. photos - WEHRPASS - AFRIKAKORPS - leichte Afrika-Division
Heer Wehrpaß to Obergefreiten Hans-Joachim Keyser serving with Panzer-Jäger-Abteilung 220 and 164. leichte Afrika-Division. Issued on 25.05.1937. Original photo. Awards: Wound Badge in Black, and Medal for the Italian-German campaign in Africa. Campaign list from 01.09.1941 to 31.12.1942. He was involved in the campaigns in Yugoslavia, Greece, Crete, and Africa. Comes with all the pages.
18. photos - WEHRPASS - 9. Panzer Division - Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 11 - Close Combat Clasp - NORMANDY - ARNEHM!
Wehrpass to Stabsgefreiten Helmut Beyer serving with Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 11. Issued on 22.07.1939. Original photo.
All units are listed on page 12. Awards: Wound Badge in Black, Tank Assault Badge in Bronze, East Medal, 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class, and Close Combat Clasp in Bronze on 29.10.1944. Campaign list from 05.03.1940 to 21.08.1944. From 06.07.1944 to 21.08.1944 he was deployed in France (Normandy). At this time he served with the Panzer-Grenadier-Regiment 11. Stabsgefreiter Beyer was also trained on the "Gewehrgranatgerät" (rifle grenade).
19. photos - Hitler Jugend Document Grouping of a GAUSIEGER
Many documents related to Karl SEISS who was a Reichsberufswettkampf Gausieger. Comes with two nice award documents for the Gauseiger badge and many more. Nice grouping!
20. photos - GEBIRGSJAEGER WEHRPASS, DIARY, Award Document & Photo Album Grouping
Very nice grouping of a Gebirgsjaeger. Named Gefreiten Oskar Renz serving with Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 98. Gefreiter Renz was killed in action on 22.06.1942 during the attack on the Donez Bridge near Saliman. Award documents include Wound Badge in Black, East Medal, and Infantry Assault Badge in Silver (hand-signed by Oberst Egbert Martin Picker, Knight's Cross winner). Also comes with his original WEHRPASS. Issued on 30. May 1940. Awards: Wound Badge in Black, East Medal, and Infantry Assault Badge in Silver. Campaign list from 08.03.1941 to 22.06.1942. Comes with all the pages. Fantastic hand written field diary from 06.08.1941 to 04.04.1942, contains many details about his war service. Also comes with other period documents, letters from commanders regarding his death, hand drawn map from the location of his grave in the field, newspaper clippings, his HJ achievement booklet, photos, a couple of rare GJ postcards, Feldpost, and his photo album containing many photos from his HJ service, photos from ORDENSBURG SONTHOFEN, well captioned. Great grouping!
21. photos - German WWII Army Photo Album - Empty - Unused
22. photos - German WWII Army Photo Album - Empty - Unused
23. photos - MINESWEEPER Award Document
Named Minesweeper award document grouping. Named to Matrosengef. Rudolf WEIERMANN. Awarded March 25, 1941. Also other documents.
$90- sold
24. photos - Luftwaffe NACHTJÄGER Document Grouping - 10. (Nachtjagd)/Zerstörergeschwader 1. - AFRIKA Service! Nice!
Document grouping named to Hauptmann Karl Kahnt who served with See-Fliegerhorst-Kommandantur (N.O.) Warnemünde and 10. (Nachtjagd)/Zerstörergeschwader 1. This was the unit of the famous night fighter ace Josef Kociok. Kahnt entered the Reichsmarine in 1922 and served on several warships. He transferred to the Luftwaffe. Kahnt died on 24.05.1943 in an airplane crash after a combat mission.
Comes with his Award document for Luftwaffe Air Gunner's and Flight Engineer's Badge. Issued on 24.04.1939. Signed by Generalmajor Gustav Kastner-Kirdorf, German Cross in Silver winner.
Award document for 1939 Iron Cross 2nd Class. Issued on 17.05.1943. Signed by General der Flieger Günther Korten, Knight's Cross winner.
Award document for Squadron Clasp for Nachtjäger in Bronze - Bordfunker 10. (Nachtjagd)/Z.G. 1. - Issued on 23.04.1943. Facsimile signature by an Oberst.
Award document for AFRIKA cuff title. Issued on 01.05.1943. Signed by a Major. With the letter that was sent together with the certificate.
Award booklet for DRL German Sports Badge. He was awarded the silver grade. Dated "08.09.1937". Original photo in Kriegsmarine uniform.
Luftwaffe "Sonderausweis I" special ID in German and Italian. Issued on 06.03.1941 in Trapani (Italy). Feldpost number L 21 402 = Stab Kampf-Geschwader 28/Sturzkampfgeschwader 3.
An excellent Kriegsmarine portrait photo from him. He wears the DRL German Sports Badge and Luftwaffe Air Gunner's and Flight Engineer's Badge. Postcard size. Very desirable portrait of a man showing multiple service awards - Navy and Luftwaffe.
Also comes with a large binder with many documents concerning his military career including promotions, personal career summary, letters from commanders concerning his death, and much more!
25. photos - WAFFEN-SS Document Grouping - SS Division TOTENKOPF & NORD + Reichsamtsleiter
Document grouping to Dr. Alfred Hassinger. He served as "Reichsamtsleiter im Hauptamt für Kommunalpolitik der NSDAP" (Office Leader in the Main Office for Local Politics of the NSDAP) under the leadership of Reichsleiter Karl Fiehler. Hassinger also served with the SS. He held the rank of SS-Rottenführer der Reserve. There are documents from the SS-Ersatz-Bataillon "Nord" and SS-Totenkopf-Ersatz-Bataillon (A) in the grouping. A letter from Reichsleiter Karl Fiehler to Alfred Hassinger. Dated "10. June 1939". Hand-signed by Fiehler. The letter refers to his work as an office leader. Also comes with three SS "Totenkopf" photos of him. 14 photos, taken in Munich and Starnberg on 19.9.1941. The photos show Georgine von Milinkovic (Croatian opera singer), Reichsleiter Karl Fiehler, Alfred Hassinger, and other persons (unknown). Including Croatian newspaper clippings. Four latewar Waffen-SS photos of Hassinger. One photo shows a sign of the unit "1. Komp. SS Gebirgsjäger Ausb.u.Ers.Btl.6". Taken in Hallein in September 1944. Also comes with personal documents from extremely famous opera singer Georgine von Milinkovic such as hand-written letters with whom he had a close relationship. Great scrapbooks covering their travels including original artwork.
Far too much to catalog!
26. photos - Third Reich DAF & BFW Photo Album
Very nice album with 14 large format photos and documents related to a DAF & BFW (Bayerischen Flugzeugwerke) meeting. Many great images with notable personalities.
27. photos - German WWI Photo Grouping - Great Front Images!
Large grouping of photos of a German soldier from his WWI service. Many have detailed captions on the reverse side. Medals in wear, portraits, group photos, many good trench photos, weapons, battlefields, identified locations, destruction, French churches, Lugers, plane photo with pilot NESTLER (Gustav?), Feldpost,and more.
$425 - sold
92. photos - Original WWII Transfer Decals - Huge Collection!
VERY nice collection of unused transfer decals , most with original cellophane type sleeves. Great Air Corps pieces!
93. photos - US WWII SILVER STAR Grouping - LUZON - Top!
Original wartime government engraved SILVER STAR awarded to Joseph EVANS who served in the 43rd Infantry Division. It comes with the very rare original "Record of Award and Decoration" certificate with detailed citation. Very unusual to find with the medal. He was awarded the SS on Jan 31, 1945 on Luzon. Als comes with his CIB and other ribbons, unit made publication commemorating their KIA comrades, unit commendations discharge, letter from General WING, personal letter from general WING to Evans' wife, Peter about Purple Heart being awarded to Robert Graf in Korea War. It came with the group but not sure of its relation.
94. photos - WWI SOLDBUCH & MILITÄRPASS Collection
Large dealer's lot of WWI Soldbuchs and Militärpasses! All with entries!! Cheap price for the lot.
95. photos - NÜRNBERG Bicycle Riding Organization Medal, Document & Photo Grouping
Very nice documents for man participating in a Bund Deutscher Radfahrer event. Two original photos of him with his bike as well as two documents (one Nurnberg related) and the medal. Rare!
96 - photos - German WWII Photo Album - General DIETL
25 photos. Photo album is related to a memorial which has many high ranking officers present including General DIETL.
97. photos - KRIEGSMARINE Photo, DIARY, Document & Cap Tally Grouping
Grouping named to Mech. Matt Saver SPITZER. Comes with his minesweeper badge with original signature commander 4. Sicherungs Division, EK2 award document with original signature Admiral and commander Sicherung West, postwar service summary, two hand written diaries with several original photos, four original and nice wartime cap tallies, and more.
98. photos - WWII US Navy Photo Album & Ephemera Grouping - HAWAII
Very large photo album & Crapbook to US Navy sailor Wiliam BURTH. Comes with his tog tag and endless amounts of ephemera he collected in Hawaii.
Great color portrait photo in uniform, many letters and telegrams, ID cards, greeting cards, postcards, USO shows, pre war photo of Japanese sailors standing under Coca Cola sign, naked native women, and more. Great album!
99. photos - Army Photo Album - France Campaign - Inf. Rgt 26
163 photos. Also comes with several nice press images of armored vehicles. French POWs, destruction, troops in the French Atlantic coast, graves, destroyed French towns, crashed planes, parades, funerals, troops in Paris, more.
$90- sold
100. photos - GEBIRGSJAEGER OFFICER Photo Album - Artistic - NORWAY, MURMANSK Front
179 photos of a mountain troop officer. Named to Hauptman JOSEF ZANGERLE. Very artistic hand drawn inside front cover. Original photo of DIETL, photos from NORWAY, graves, KO Russian armored car, rare photo of NbFz PzKpfw VI heavy tank, troops in foxhole, good alpine photos, photos of his time in the Austrian Army pre WWII, and more. Cover has a faded Edelweiss badge painted on cover.
$295- sold
101. photos - Luftwaffe Photo Album - GOERING, GRAF - TOP!
38 super photos of a professional LW photographer with excellent original photos of GOERING, GRAF, GALLAND, LORZER, and other high LW officers, Knights Cross Winners and more! Super lot! All larger forms photos.
$400- sold