85. US WWII 6th Marine Division TANKER Grouping - Photo Album, Tanker Helmet, Okinawa Battle Maps+
Rare grouping to Marine tanker Richard Peterson who served in the 6th Marien Tank Battalion of the 6th marine Division. Comes with his field worn Tanker's helmet, dog tags, very rare after action reports for the unit's actions in Okinawa (possibly only one in existence), rare 6th Marine Division Okinawa after action reports, 6th Marine patch, two field used invasion battle maps he used in Okinawa (rare!), and a fantaHundreds of photos in album. Many captioned on the reverse. Tanks, captured Japanese flags, destruction, good photo of him wearing tank helmet, 6th Marines patches in wear, great original photos of the formal Japanese surrender ceremonies in China, and more!stic photo album with hundreds of photos from his service. Top rare grouping!