87. WWII German Officer Document Grouping - 34 Infanterie Division
Extremely nice document grouping maned to Major Joachim Böhm who served as commander Nachrichten Abt. 52. Comes with TWO Iron Cross First Class award documents (Very rare) one signed by 34 IF commander Generalleutnant Friedrich Bremer th e other by XII Corps commander General der Infanterie Walter Schroth, Iron Cross Second Class with original signature 34 ID commander RK winner Generalleutnant Hans BEHLENDORFF, Preliminary document for the EK2 from 1939 signed by III Corps commander Generaloberst Curt Haase(RK), Ostmedaille document signed by 26 Panzer Division cdr. General der Panzertruppen Smilo Freiherr von Lüttwitz (RK_Swords), Sudetenland Medal document, KVK2 award documen. Also comes with many nice field made congratulatory documents, original artwork, handwritten Lebenslauf, and more! Rare grouping!