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Historical Media, LLC



T.    FALLSCHIRMJAEGER PHOTO & RARE FIELD MAP Grouping - KRETA - Fallschirmjaeger Rgt 3
SUPER grouping contains very RARE original MAPS used in the field on KRETA!! Apps 200+ photos with super content from KRETA! Many captioned on the reverse. great portrait, great combat photos from Kreta, FJs wearing captured British Pith helmets and uniforms, FJ graves, vehicles on Kreta, FJs in foxholes, Jump gear, rare photo of MAX SCHMELLING being aided by comrades (He was very sick on day of the jump), HEERES FJ BADGE in wear, original photos of FJ personalities like General HEIDRICH and Oberst Ludwig STRAUB, FJ helmet covers, British tanks, weary FJ's after battles, chutes still dropping in distance, and much more!  Publishable material!