112. WWII Armored Division Photo Album - 12th Armored Div. "HELLCAT" - 714th Tank Battalion - Nice!
Named album to Ralph L. Wilson who served in the 714th Tank Battalion. Nice portraits, bring back certificate, photos from training, RARE original Milton Caniff HELLCAT DIVISION Cartoon on yardstick laminated (Nice!). This was an insert in the April 27, 1944 editions of Hellcat News - Very Rare; the only original one I have seen! Other rare ephedra including "3rd Anniversary program Sept 1945," great photos of tanks and tankers in gear in the field, photo pointing out where their tank had taken Panzerfaust hits, great photos of painted tank insignias, knocked out German PANZERS, knockout bunkers, original photo of a German HETZER, StUG III knocked out and pushed off road - long barrel with side armor, CAMO uniforms in wear, German POWS on the march, Russian POWS they released from POW camp, German Fraulines posing, posing with Timmy Guns, his original CROIX DE GUERRE "Liberation" award document, great photo of Wilson posing with all his "bring backs" and an official list above the photos, original coins and currency and more.