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Historical Media, LLC



33. US WWII 4x BRONZE STAR Winner COLONEL Grouping - 88th Airborne Infantry Battalion + 88th INFANTRY DIVISIOn BLUE DEVILS - TOP!
Extensive paper grouping toLt. Col. King J. BOGARDUS Jr.  During WWII he served in 
Contains original signatures of Elbridge Gerry Chapman Jr. who was CO of the 88th Airborne Infantry Battalion at the time of signing and later went on to command the 13th Airborne Division. Bogardus was a member of the 88th at the very beginning! He went on to serve as an officer in the 350th Inf. Regiment, 88th BLUE DEVILS in ITALY!  Copies of newspaper articles show he saw some amazing action there and details the citation he received for heroism leading to his awards of the Bronze Stars!  Key to the grouping are THREE Bronze Star certificates he received for service in ITALY in WWII and one for KOREA. Many letters and other commendations and other paperwork related to his service. Great grouping.
After the war he served as Adjutant 179th Infantry Regiment and went on to serve as the Adjutant General of the 45th Infantry Division in the 1950's.

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