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Historical Media, LLC



48.   Army OFFICER Photo grouping - Infanterie Regiment 35 - 5 ID - KIA - Nice Combat Images!
83 photos of an Infantry Lieutenant Heinz GRUNY  who served in Inf Rgt 35 (Panzer Jaeger Abt. 35) of the 5. Infanterie Division. and was KIA on 24.9.1943. Many captioned on reverse.  Comes in old Feldpost-type box. Comes with his death notice and portrait photo of him and his wife.  Unit graves, several nice photos of from line troops in field trenches and foxholes, infantry on march, EK2 medal ceremonies in the field, burning villages, troops in harsh winter conditions, field bivouacs, wounded Russian POWS carried in wagons, Russians surrendering with hands up, wrecked train, Krupp L2H43 LKWs, vehicles with divisional “fish” emblem of the 35 Inf Division, KIA Russian troops on battlefield, infantry leaving burning Russian village behind, MG 34 crew in action, bicycle infantry, Panzerspahwagen on roll w/ Fieseler Storch in low flight, KO Russian TANKS, captured Russian tractors in WH use, more. Nice group!