Luftwaffe PILOT - Many Aircraft - TOP!
156 photos on a large album all from
one Germans Luftwaffe pilot’s service in
the LEGION CONDOR during the Spanish
Civil war of 1936!! Good Photos of
Spanish cities, Photos of Spanish
children wearing uniform marching with
rifles, Spanish soldiers on parades,
flags, soldiers interacting with Spanish
civilians, MANY good images of legion
condor aircraft, flight crews on
airfields, destroyed aircraft, 8.8 cm
flak cannons, the man and comrades
wearing civilian clothes touring Spanish
cities, captured artillery cannons,
Aircraft with nicknames painted on nose,
the man flying aircraft, Photos of towns
taken from the air, aerial recon photos,
Photos of destroyed Spanish cities,
propaganda posters, pilots badges being
worn, Luftwaffe troops posing with first
pattern LW daggers, more.