Private Sales List
Historical Media, LLC
125. US WWI BALLOON SERVICE Photo Album - 2nd Balloon Company - Rare!
Very rare collection of photos belonging to Pat. Charles K. SINGER who served as a rigger in the 2nd Balloon Company, US Air Service in WWI. He is easily identifiable throughout the album. It is filled with fantastic images of balloons in service in the field. Great details including all aspects of balloon operations in the field, pilots in flight gear, ephemera, passes, capture German balloons, great photo of a German plane approaching balloon in flight, unit photos, French tanks, photo of plane taken from Balloon in flight, portraits, US bi-plane with bombs attached, other plane images, balloon pilot parachuting, plane crashes being inspected (12 Aero pilot lt. Goodale killed after running into balloon cable), capture German planes, and more. The best balloon service album we have offered.