27. GEBIRGSJAEGER Photo Album Grouping - Gebirgsjaeger Regiment 98 - Westwall, Poland, France Balkan and Russia Campaigns - TOP!
Three super albums to a man who served in GJR 98 and later Inf Rgt 437. Named to Franz STREIBL. 475 photos. Well captioned. Content from the Westwall, Poland, France Balkan and Russia Campaigns. Great studio portrait of the man, original Edelweiss flowers, GJ troops hiking in the Alps, super Alpine images, nice portrait of unit commander, Westwall fortifications, troops in foxholes, Luger holsters, identified locations, salty infantry in the field, French POWs, destroyed aircraft, breaking through the Maginot Line, KIA German soldiers, graves, French POWs surrendering, photos in Yugoslavia, bicycle infantry, Italian soldiers, Russian tanks, foxholes, Egg grenades, graves, photos from CRIMEA, medals in wear, more. Great grouping.