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Historical Media, LLC


5.   Army Photo Album, Feldpost & Award Document Group  - Schw. Art. Abt. 62 - 387 Inf Division
Another complete grouping, This one of man in schwere Artillerie Abtl 62 of the 387 Inf Division, Comes with his WEHRPASS with photo, awards, all campaigns and unit entries. Shows he qualified on the 10cm Kannone 18Also comes with his EK2 award document awarded April 1943 with original signature of his Division Commander, general SCHUCKMANN. Also comes with his Wound badge in Black award document awarded March 1943.  Also comes with Feldpost and correspondence concerning his award of the EK2 while he was in hospital. Also comes with his military discharge. Album contains 262 photos. Starts with photos of his training . Excellent artillery photos in the field, unit cars, in Russia,  heavy artillery firing in the field photo with interesting caption, stating This is the first shot of the Russia campaign, photos of the man wearing medals in the field, officers in the field, wagons in the field. halftracks, towing artillery.  Russian bunker positions. Russian airplanes, good photos of our artillery firing at ground targets, knocked out Russian tanks. Russian POW's in the fields,  unit graves in Russia,  vehicles navigating difficult terrain, troops in harsh Russian winter conditions. many identified locations in Russia, destroyed Russian towns and villages. photos of man man receiving his  Iron Cross, 2nd class in Russia, troops interacting with the Russian locals. Also letters he wrote home from the field. man recovering in the hospital, original hospital pass during his recovery, and more.